Never before in the history of human civilization are so many people living alone, either by choice or not and nowhere is this more evident than with our senior citizens.
A veritable tsunami of senior citizens, half who are now living solo. Time stretches in front of them and they are well aware of this. They are physically fit, better off financial and better educated than past generations. Their bodies are more flexible, their minds are sharper and technology in all its forms is out there to help them live longer on their own.
Filmed in Quebec, France, Sweden and Japan, we meet Edna, Fernand, Yvon, Tornsten, Eva and Yukie who happily discuss their strategies for living on their own, their health, their relationships, their work - things that before were taken for granted - now are being re-examined.
How is our society readying itself for this tsunami of seniors? Are you ready?
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Solo Parent
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